Sabrina Ferrari
Artist’s card

Sabrina Ferrari is an artist from Verona dedicated to the creation of bronze sculptures with tactile and evanescent appeal, characterized, moreover, by a constant and exhibited vitality. Through a careful examination of his collection of works, the main aspect that connotes the high degree of maturity of his work emerges unequivocally. In particular, it is interesting to note the peculiar and polyphonic way in which the artist treats the surface of his subjects at the very moment he meticulously smoothes them. Sabrina grants relative importance to the subject matter of her compositions. In fact, it often deals with issues gathered from individual fields such as dance or the circus world or, more broadly, refers to the boundless reality of the animal world. The stage of choosing what is then going to be represented through the sculptural medium is thus the result of a sudden glow, almost the flash of a love at first sight that invades the artist and through her imposes her desire to be ravished and reproduced in the artificial guise that is the result of artistic work.
With intensity Sabrina locates, or, simply imagines, the solid, cold spoils that will house her works; true artistic wrapping of a content experienced, even before it is chosen. And it is to these remains that she devotes her effort, it is with them that the artist unleashes her talent; an irrepressible enthusiasm drives her to seek, beyond the self-constituted limits of a personalistic language, references to the past.