6499 Art Gallery

The art gallery within the Franciacorta Golf Club, one hour from Milan, in which to purchase artwork by contemporary and historicized artists.

Art Gallery

The gallery is the center of 6499 Milano’s activities, active year-round accomplice to the continuous daily flow of both golfers and clubhouse goers.

Art meets golf

Thanks to the intuition of 6499 Milano, art lovers and collectors no longer encounter works in their traditional venues, but in their moments of life and leisure.


Art must live with us, in the places we frequent, where we leisure and experience moments of relaxation.
That’s why the partnership with Franciacorta Golf Club was born: to admire art, while playing golf.

The Art&Sport Experience can be an opportunity to relive at home the sensations you experienced on the field by purchasing the work that moved you the most, from among those seen in the gallery or on the field.
And if you really think big, to enrich the spaces around the clubhouse you will also find some monumental works.

Special events and
private sales

Throughout the course of the year, the Art&Sport Experience will feature exhibitions by Italian and international artists, contemporary and historicized, emerging and well-known.
Various special events are also organized at the 6499 Art Gallery to experience unique and unrepeatable emotions.
These include closed-door viewings and private sales.

The 6499 Art Gallery is the ideal place for art lovers and collectors interested in purchasing a work.

6499 Golf Cup

A sculpture presides over the start of each hole, because if playing golf is a passion, competing while admiring the artwork of 6499 Milano is pure love.
Since this is a tabel tournament, after the 2024 debut, rendezvous with the second edition in 2025.

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Come visit us

Franciacorta Golf Club
Via Provinciale, 34 – Corte Franca (BS)

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For general information
+39 393.8828710