Jacopo Mandich

Artist’s card

A young artist as brilliant as he is eclectic, he is able to transform and shape hard and difficult materials such as iron, marble and wood, giving them form and life of their own. Undoubtedly, his “Metavento” figures created with metal shrapnel are among the first to capture the attention of the enthusiast, perhaps because of his incredible artistic ability, perhaps because of the expressions he can create.

In 2005 he received a degree in sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, and as early as 2006 he won the Edgardo Mannucci Prize. In 2014 he achieved great success by presenting in Rome the solo exhibition “Cosmogonies” at Galleria Varsi and “A ferro e fuoco” at Galleria Faber. In the following year, he decided to experiment with new techniques and therefore attended specialization courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino and Turin. Also in 2015, he is the first Italian artist invited to participate in the Ural Biennial in Russia. In 2018 he attended the Master of Sculpture program at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle University of Art&Design in Halle, Germany.

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